A superb way to explore mathematics and philosophy.

This book by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadimitriou is simultaneously a biography of Bertrand Russell and an engaging, accessible introduction to some of the most important mathematical and philosophical questions of Russell’s – and our – time.
Logicomix explores Russell’s childhood, his romantic relationships, his work as a mathematician and a pacifist, and his relationships with several of his notable contemporaries, including Ludwig Wittgenstein.
With its richly layered meditations on philosophy, mathematics, war and peace, as well as madness and rationality – not to forget its structure of being a story-within-a-story – Logicomix has achieved the status of a classic.
"The book is a rare intellectual and artistic achievement which will, I am sure, lead its readers to explore realms of knowledge they thought were forbidden to them," historian Howard Zinn said.
Published in 2009.